Tuesday, 29 April 2014

#LiveBelowTheLine Day one and two

I started my second go at living below the line yesterday.

I'd found the challenge really helpful last year and found it spiritually moving too. I'm doing it again.

For Monday I spent 92p.
- Tinned potatoes 15p
- Tinned mushy peas 16p
-Tinned sweetcorn 21p
- Rice 40p

I had rice and sweetcorn salad for lunch.
Mushy peas and dry-fried tin potatoes for tea
A bit of rice for supper.

For Tuesday I spent £1.07 ( a note on this later)
- Two bananas 18p
- Can of value chilli 55p!
- Chopped tomatoes 34p

For breakfast I have had a banana.
For lunch chilli, rice and potatoes
For tea I will have chilli and rice
For supper, a banana

Four reflections to note so far:

1. Feel like I have settled into a prayer / mealtime routine more quickly than I did last year.

2. I really want chocolate and am already looking at ways to stretch the budget.

3. Am once again challenged by the wheat-free angle. Last night at Sainsbury's, the bread was all selling off at the end of the day, 12 wheaty bread rolls for 9p. Or two wheat-free bread rolls for £1.99. Hmmm.

4. Last year i got myself in such a tiz-woz trying to make sure I ate no more than £1.00 of food a day. And getting all confused, that if I saved money to buy, for example, eggs, the next day, I would come to the end of the week and have to leave food untouched, as some kind of overspend. But all that is in my mind as a consequence of doing #LiveBelowTheLine in my way, as I did last year, I am giving myself £1 a day to spend on food. I didn't start the week with £5. My reasons for that remain the same (and I am in no ways saying my way of doing it is preferable to anyone else's way, it's just something that I'm keen to do.)

Enjoying the week and glad for all that I take for granted.

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