Friday, 14 April 2017

Waiting for Tenebrae

Waiting for Tenebrae

The Easter garden is garish and warm
                With the scent of 30 burning church candles
And it is all the better for it

Countless potted plants
Touch the shadows
With rich hues
Pale pinks
And red
                And butter yellow blooms
In a forest of green stems

This side chapel steeped
                In dancing candle flicker
                Caresses the darkness
                Shadows convulsing in response

This brick formed chapel
Sings of light and
                Life in the midst
                Of dark

As candles run down
We wait
In a sea of
Claustrophobic blackness
A darkness that will deepen
As in time
All but one candle
Is extinguished

And then
Even that solitary candle
In its time

Be overcome by the darkness

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

When Darkness Reigns

Here is a bit of a work in progress for Maundy Thursday, derived from Luke 22:53, it hasn't been possible to complete it in time for Maundy Thursday, but I'll be spending the odd moment on it in the days to come.