Sunday, 13 November 2016

THEM and US: a Confession

Them and Us - a Confession

Whenever we speak of “them” and us”
Lord, forgive us

Whenever we ignore speech about “them” and “us”
Lord, forgive us

Whenever we don’t condemn speech about “them” and “us”
Lord, forgive us

Whenever we stay silent in the face of speech about “them” and “us”
Lord, forgive us

Whenever we don’t speak on behalf of the silenced, in light of talk about “them” and “us”
Lord, forgive us

Whenever we don’t offer an alternate vision that re-imagines the mere idea of “them” and “us"

Lord, forgive us


Unknown said...

This concept of them and us is only a perception of those who follow the perception of separateness, you over there and me over here. We all live in this physical world experience of God's presence. We all have the choice on how we perceive this journey, in separateness or in the interconnectedness of God's presence in creation of space and time.

BeatLiturgist said...

Thanks for this Bill. The binary idea of "them" and "us" is nonsense. It is deeply unhelpful, there is so much in it about perception and dualist thinking - all of this "stuff" led to the liturgy being written. Your comment is much appreciated.