November is an amazing month for us as a family
It's an amazing month because of our two daughters
And it's an amazing month because of the NHS
Two daughters born in different years
Two daughters born in different hospitals
Both born in November
Both born with different needs
One whose birth was complicated,
Whose heart rate started to drop
As the umbilical cord tightened
Around our little one's, not yet born neck
One whose birth suddenly started to go wrong
One whose birthing suite suddenly filled
With NHS staff, from two, to four, to six
One who was born in mere moments
Thank God for the NHS
The second whose birth
Went really well
Until some hours after she was born
Temperature all wrong, blood tests not right
The second was swiftly moved
To SCBU (A cathedral of care and attention)
Lumbar punctured and monitored
And home within a week
Thank God for the NHS
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