Wednesday 18 June 2014

LECTIONARY TRINITY SUNDAY: Sent (Matthew 28:16-20)

Sorry for the delay with this one. And its based on the passage, not too much on the Trinity!

The sending out was not an ending
But a beginning
Laden with cost
With its walk towards the cross
On the surface
The simplicity and synchronised
Would have been
So very overwhelming
These actions
A new formula
From which to form life
A recipe viewed
And observed
Participated in for
Three short years
Until the family recipe was
Passed on
‘Make disciples’
Even in worship some doubted
Yet all were sent
Carrying hopes
Bearing losses
Dreaming of futures
Imagining crosses
Preparing to live
In a new mode of being
With the faithful teacher
No longer seen
And with aspirations reframed
They went
To this world lent

A quote I read recently, it’s not necessarily something new, the emphasis can be found in Bonhoeffer and many more), but it’s helpful to me:

‘Put simply, to undertake the reJesus project one must first be committed to being marked by Jesus, to submit oneself to being shaped and changed to reflect more and more the lifestyle and teaching of Jesus.’

Michael Frost & Alan Hirsch, ReJesus: A Wild Messiah For A Missional Church (Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 2009), 35.

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