Sunday, 3 November 2013

Grace, Beautifully Woven

I am utterly taken by your faultless grace,
That sees beyond faults and unflinchingly embraces,
Me, in my weakness and my delinquent decay,
That draws so close as to live inside me,
This symbol of hope beyond simple,
But simplistically open to simply being given,
You, the gift, that no price could afford,
Beyond beautiful and more opulent than fine perfume,
Yet grounded and so perfectly real,
So utterly devoted to the love that must be shared,
There are no doors that can lock your grace away,
And no places beyond your reach,
Even the grave and the whisper of infinity are within your grasp,
My heart fails within me,
Fails to hold on to the truth of your tender mercy,
But your beginning and my beginning,
Are inseparably linked,
Your ending and my ending,
Veer wistfully towards a conclusion where you,
And only you,
Are the final full-stop.


Anonymous said...

Lovely post.

BeatLiturgist said...

Thanks David, very kind!