Saturday, 30 November 2013

A Sunday Lectionary Poetry Series

So, I am at the beginning of a bit of a trial of something.

I've seen other folk do this kind of thing before and its been interesting to see the results.

I am aiming to write a poem each week based on the Lectionary's Sunday Principal Service's Gospel reading and write a bit of a poetic reflection on the reading. Its the beginning of the liturgical year tomorrow so it's a good time to start!

It's currently my intention to do this 52 times.

To see a whole year of the lectionary through.

Though actually that might not happen.

I may not keep up with it (and I'll be easy on myself if I don't)

I am committed to it (but if push comes to shove...)

In all seriousness, I'm intending to use this as an opportunity to creatively engage with scripture in a regular disciplined way.

Sometimes the poem may not appear to have much to do with the reading, sometimes it will focus on a single verse, etc.

Now my hope is to post the poem/thing on the Saturday evening. In case of holidays or lack of internet, etc, it might be that the odd poem will appear on the Sunday or indeed after the Sunday. (For that I am sorry).

Anyway, I'm not intending to post the gospel reading on the site. You may have to Biblegateway it or pick up a Bible. Or you may not want to read the scripture, or indeed the poem either!

But I'll see how this goes.


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