Wednesday 4 February 2015

A song of Plate and Cup

a song of plate and cup
there is noise
distractions and distortions

there is complexity
worries and concerns

there are conditions
expectations and stresses

there is fear
of what may be and what might never happen

there are temptations
trials and persistent damaging demands

there is worry
and there is peace
creator and sustainer
pioneer and saviour

give us your peace
held tightly in your love

bear us warmly
strengthen us when shadows lengthen

cultivate in us stability
rooted in your name

rooted in your word
rooted by your voice

give us deep roots
holding us together

keeping us firm
rooting us in our place

rooting us with you
rooted in our centre

help our roots build strong bonds
with the soil and fabric of our lives

strengthen our roots
with the nourishment we need

may our rootedness
interweave our lives together

and keep us ever onward
reaching towards your throne

keep us faithful and persistent
stable in fidelity

keep us creative and flexible
persistent in our searching

may our firm foundations
be yours and yours alone

that our deep entangled roots
would feed our hearts for life
help us to bear witness
to the journey that we take

and as we come to the plate and to the cup
as we have so many times before

feed us once again
with your flesh and with your blood

that plate and cup would root us in your story
rooted in earthly trouble and kingdom glory

build us up to tend your garden
shape our lives to grow for you

for your glory and in your name
to heaven’s son we pray, AMEN.

(c) Tim Watson, 2015

A song of Plate and Cup - a liturgy, used before the Eucharistic prayer, in a service thinking about "rootedness" - sly, unintentional nod to George R. R. Martin in the title!

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